Friday, May 14, 2010

Around the House Spring 2010

Spring has really been showing itself and it's almost summer now. My hyacinth and crocus have come and gone and I only have 2 tulips left.

I've really grown attached to my Forget-me-nots (myosotis) which is one of the many plants my mother in law has gifted me with. They've thrived so much where they're located in front of my last two pink tulips. The flowers are so delicate with a pretty light blue and the occasional lavender one.

It's funny to see this photo. This was taken of our house about a week before we closed on it. The garden bed in front doesn't lookt he same at all. It just looks like bushes to cover the lower window and you can see the side of the house where there used to be nothing. Asides from the gardening, we added a hand rail so people wouldn't fall the 4-5 feet to the garage level.

and to imagine all these huge rocks were buried in that garden bed all over.

My front garden bed has been doing so well since rearranging it last year. These boulder rocks were mixed all in the bed and we had to dig them out. I removed a rosebush and another blooming bush and the golden bush had a sister which is now right behind it trying to survive. Allt he plants are new plants asides from the golden bush, a type of spirae. There's iris on the far left sprouting next to the blooming phlox, the myosotis in front with what's left of my crocus and hyacinth around it, the tulips, some sedum which blooms yellow star flowers in front of the hydrangea plant, and some geraniums and 1 lonely but surviving jack-in-the-pulpit plant in back. There's also an astilbe that's barely visible among the new mulch behind the hyacinth leaves. The astilbe and the hyacinth were the only plants bought here. My mother in law gave me so much to do last year with all her plant gifts.

This bed did not exist last year when we bought the house. I had too many plants and nowhere to put them. It's a mix of soloman's seal, the tall leafed things on the far right from my neighbor, some lily of the valley from my neighbor too but you can't see them. Half of the rose bush from the front garden is here. It split in 2 and seems to be surviving with a few leaves. There are also more geraniums and some day lilies. I'm very proud with how this side looks.

I love my little tree circle. Maybe in the future it will expand to some other shape if my hubby allows it one day. It's still trying to come together. The squirrels tore up and dug up everything I planted there last year when I created the circle, but a few things survived including 2 baby hosta, some wild violets, and some mystery plant. This year I bought some pretty violets on the right that are purple and yellow and white. On the other side is a "Caramel" Heuchera which the squirrels butchered, but new baby leaves are already sprouted. It's recently been mulched and hopefully the squirrels will dig in it less. Got to love finally being able to put out my solar lights, but I think they have too much shade.

This area needs some help. I recently created the little step down on the side but I'm thinking of putting a baby cedar in the whole behind the green gutter extension or Something. I can't decide what. Maybe another spirae and prune it to be more slender? I'm very happy with the little step down. There's more sedum above, with baby hosta below. I'm waiting to mulch the upper area since I don't know if I'm going to plant a few things there. My rose bushes, the only plants that were around the house when we moved in, are there and I might plant low growing plants between them...or maybe my tomato plants? Is it odd to plant tomato plants between roses? :D

More to come and it's only just Spring.